
Dying in San Diego’s Jails

In addition to a tradition of Sheriffs resisting civilian oversight, San Diego County jails have one of the highest rates of in-custody-deaths in the country. We ask investigative reporter Jeff McDonald (San Diego Union-Tribune) for his take on the interplay between the various stakeholders involved, and why deaths keep occurring.

(40 min) Audio only podcast on Spotify

All Things AI with UC Berkeley’s Brandie Nonnecke

We interviewed Brandie Nonnecke, Professor at UC Berkeley, Director at CITRIS Policy Lab, and Co-Director AI Policy Hub on "All things AI." (44min)

The Angelo Quinto Story

On December 23, 2020, 30-year-old Filipino American and Navy veteran Angelo Quinto was killed by the Antioch Police during a mental health crisis, using a technique known as positional asphyxiation. What occcurred on that day and subsequently can only be described as a nightmare for the Quinto family, and is truly a David vs. Goliath story as various levels of government participated in the coverup and denied his family justice.

Across the pond with Big Brother Watch UK's Madeleine Stone

We discuss facial recognition, the rise of AI, and the British fight to defend privacy - special guest Madeleine Stone, Senior Advocacy Officer at Big Brother Watch UK. Feb 26, 2024

Sheriff Reform in California

We speak with Judge LaDoris Cordell and lawyer/author Jessica Pishko regarding a proposed bill in California that would allow for a broader pool of candidates to seek the office of Sheriff.

Pros and Cons of Being a Visible Muslim

We asked four amazing Muslim women how they handle the pressure and risk of being easily identified as followers of Islam during this alarming increase in Islamophobia, hate crimes, and white supremacy both domestically and around the globe. Featuring guests Sameena Usman, Jehan Hakim, Maheen Ahmed, and Homayra Yusufi. - related blog post.

Sanctuary Advocacy

In this podcast , we discuss various strategies to provide greater protection for immigrants’ rights, covering law, policy and socially responsible investing, and we evaluate the Biden Administration’s approach to immigration enforcement.

Featuring Jacinta Gonzalez - Mijente, Layla Razavi - Freedom For Immigrants, and Susan Ozawa Perez - Secure Justice.

Public Defenders and Criminal Defense Trends

With guests Brendon Wood (Alameda County Public Defender), Jumana Musa (National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers) and Genevieve Jones-Wright (former San Diego Deputy Public Defender; Community Advocates for Just and Moral Governance) - related blog post

Copaganda vs San Francisco

In this podcast , we discuss how national and local media narratives and hysteria around public safety are impacting local politics in San Francisco.

Featuring Manohar Raja (San Francisco Public Defender), Cat Brooks (Exec. Dir. Justice Teams Network), and Lara Bazelon (USF Law Professor).