Privacy Self-Defense & Immigration Know Your Rights

Secure Justice invites you to participate in our east bay regional Privacy Self-Defense Workshop and Immigration Resource Fair, in Oakland. This important event will provide participants with practical resources and strategies to protect digital privacy rights, particularly for immigrants, Muslims, individuals seeking reproductive care, and the LGBTQ+ community.

Registration is required and will open soon. Check back here for the link to secure your seat.

Event Details:

  • What: Privacy Self-Defense Workshop and Immigration Resource Fair

  • When: April 12, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

  • Where: Oakstop, 2323 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612

  • Who: Open to the general public (Max capacity: 150)

  • Cost: Free*

Extras: Lunch, childcare, and translators provided

Translators in Spanish, Mandarin, Farsi, Dari, Pashto confirmed so far (more to come)

*This event is free thanks to generous funding received from the:

About the Event: Secure Justice, with assistance from the organizations listed below, will provide practical privacy tools and immigration legal guidance, including:

This event will begin with remarks from state and local elected officials, followed by privacy and KYR workshops to empower attendees with actionable knowledge and technical assistance.