Our Vision

Secure Justice is an IRS registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that advocates against state abuse of power, and for reduction in government and corporate over-reach. We target change in government contracting and corporate complicity with government policies and practices that are inconsistent with democratic values and principles of human rights, working to create a world and criminal justice system free of discrimination and strongly committed to ensuring racial justice and equality under the law regardless of race, gender, religion, age, ideology and all protected classes.

We strive to create municipal civilian oversight frameworks that provide the community with a meaningful voice and a seat at the table when crafting rules for the use of surveillance technologies, and the data collected from such use. Although our primary focus is on entities with police power, the blurring lines between public-private partnerships and corporate complicity in the facilitation of human rights abuses by government actors causes us to also address the private sector’s use of surveillance and smart city technologies, data sharing and mining practices.